Monday, April 4, 2011

Notes From Scandev2011-Alistair Cockburn

Scandev2011 started with an introductory speech coming from Emily Bache.
Than the stage was all Alistair Cockburn's, and he talked about shaping the process of software development. He mentioned that, why people are always being beyond the schedule in SW project. He thinks that the software development process is going to be emulated by other sectors in 10 or 20 years by now(I hope so?). And he indicated that every team has to improve themselves on a changing environment. But sometimes the project cost and the team revenue doesn't rise with the same acceleration ratio.

The main idea in his speech was, software development is a cooperative game…

And people should understand the importance of remind-inform-inspire triangle. And the power of communication by face to face talk.

This was an impressive and thoughtful speech to listen.

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